Layout: Author Override

1 minute read

Sites that may have content authored from various individuals can be accommodated by using data files.

To attribute an author to a post or page that is different from the site author specified in _config.yml:

Step 1. Create _data/authors.yml and add authors using the following format. Anything variables found under author in _config.yml can be used (e.g. name, bio, avatar, location, social media profiles, etc.).

# /_data/authors.yml

John Frusciante:
  name        : "John Frusciante"
  bio         : "How do you pronounce Frusciante?"
  location    : "Los Angeles, CA"
  avatar      : "/assets/images/bio-photo-jf.jpg"
  twitter     : "@JohnFrusciante" # used for meta twitter:creator
    - label: "Facebook"
      icon: "lab la-facebook-f"
      url: ""
    - label: "Twitter"
      icon: "lab la-twitter"
      url: ""
    - label: "Tumblr"
      icon: "lab la-tumblr"
      url: ""
    - label: "Soundcloud"
      icon: "lab la-soundcloud"
      url: ""

Jack White:
  name        : "Jack White"
  bio         : "What do you want, jewels? I am a very extravagant man."
  avatar      : "/assets/images/bio-photo-jw.jpg"
    - label: "Website"
      icon: "las la-link"
      url: ""
    - label: "Facebook"
      icon: "lab la-facebook-f"
      url: ""
    - label: "Twitter"
      icon: "lab la-twitter"
      url: ""

Step 2. Assign one of the authors in authors.yml to a post or page you wish to override the with.

Example: To assign John Frusciante as an author for a post the following YAML Front Matter would be applied:

author: John Frusciante

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